"DataStrategi, LLC (originally incorporated as envisionIT, LLC) was founded by Tom Anderson. The company is an SBA approved small business and is
committed to evolving our offerings to address the entire data lifecycle including data protection and
artificial intelligence.
While we serve many business markets, our depth of expertise in greatest in the Health Services and
Aerospace sectors.
Tom Anderson is the founder and President of DataStrategi. He has a deep understanding of the US Public Sector markets at the federal and state and local levels. He has 30 years of public sector experience working for small and large companies, some public and some privately held. Tom has maintained close working relationships with a cross-section business and Government leaders and has held various leadership positions with key industry organizations such as ACT/IAC and TechAmerica/CompTIA.
Swedish customs are an important part of our company culture because of the countries reputation as a
world leader in innovation and our founder’s Swedish heritage. The Swedes spell strategy with an “i” so
we do as well.
By drawing on this tradition of invention and innovation, Tom is building a firm that embraces a culture
that celebrates the application of new technology and innovation. DataStrategi with an “I” combines
Tom’s 30 years of IT business management experience with his Swedish roots.